Local Groups
Types of Local Groups
There are different possible 'local groups' of the Maine Green Independent Party, some with statutory roles and others recognized by the state party.
Municipal and county committees represent the party in their jurisdictions. They have rights outlined in statute: receive notice of elections, nominate candidates in special elections, etc.
Municipal committees are entitled to nominate members to serve as election clerks and receive the entire voting list of the municipality for every two years free of charge.
Municipal committees are legally formed when municipal Greens caucus and form a committee. Ask us to help you convene your town/city caucus!
County committees are elected every two (even-numbered) years at a state convention from nominations made at muncipal caucuses or the floor of the convention. In between the biennial conventions, the state committee appoints founding members of county committees not elected at that convention. Let us know if you want to be on a county committee!
Two district committees also exist under statute, one for each of the two U.S. Congressional Districts. Their only statutory authority is to nominate candidates for the ballot in a special election for a vacant position (due to death, resignation or removal) for U.S. Congress.
The state committee, elected annually at our convention, represents the Maine Green Independent Party -- sheperding the authorities and requirements applicable to a state party in Maine. This is YOUR party! Contact us to get involved!
The party recognizes local group organization beyond the borders of towns and counties: Local groups organized in neighborhoods, natural regions, colleges or by identity and association are encouraged!
While these groups may not have specified authority granted to them by statute, we recognize and accept them as part of the party's structure.
All local groups of the party -- statutory or not -- are given privileges within the state party. All local groups should strive to meet four times annually.
Benefits fpr Local Groups
1. Notice of state committee meeting minutes and agenda.
2. Ability to place items for consideration on the state committee agenda.
3. Access to the state party's compiled list of enrolled Green Independents within their jurisdiction (if applicable).
4. Municipal committees may appoint a representative to the county committee.
5. County committees may appoint a representative to the state committee.
How to Form
if you are interested in forming or joining any local group of the party, we would love to help you! Contact us NOW!
In the Bylaws
Article III. Local Groups
Members of the party meeting a minimum of four times annually shall be considered a local group of the party once the group designates one person to act as a state contact person for that group. The state contact person will communicate local concerns, questions, proposals, etc. of the group to the state committee, as well as relay information from the state committee to the group. The state contact person shall be a person who has an email address that he or she regularly uses.
Article III, Section A. County Committees
By statute, county committees shall be formed at conventions on even-numbered years from nominations made at municipal caucuses and the convention floor. The size of each county committee shall be determined by the convention unless a county committee has standing bylaws which have been submitted to the state committee, in which case the size of the county committee will be defined by its own bylaws so long as those bylaws provide for any municipal committee within the county to appoint at least one member to the county committee.
If at a convention, there are no nominees, or only one nominee to a county committee, then the state committee is authorized to appoint one or two members to that county committee at a later date, after which the members will constitute a duly formed county committee.
Once formed, the county committees may expand their size, fill vacancies and establish rules and bylaws as they see fit, providing that any municipal committee within the county may appoint at least one member to the county committee.
If it is deemed that a county committee's bylaws are constructed in such a way so that quorum may not be achieved or the county committee cannot meet or function, then any convention may intervene to reconstruct the county committee.
If a statute governing party county committees changes, and these bylaws are in contradiction to the statute, then the state committee shall schedule a convention to amend these bylaws to comply with the statute.
Article III, Section C. Access and Notice
Any municipal or county committee or otherwise qualifying local group may propose items to the state committee for consideration of action.
The state committee shall provide notice, agenda and minutes of its meetings to any municipal or county committee or other qualifying local group that has designated a state contact person. The state committee will keep the committees and groups informed of its actions and pose questions to them.
Article IV, Section A. County Seats
By their own processes, county committees may choose one party member to be on the state committee, herein referred to as holding a “county seat” on the state committee. The county committee must provide to the state committee documentation verifying the election or appointment of a person to the county seat, either in minutes of a county committee meeting at which the state committee member was elected, or by written notice from an officer of the county committee that includes a citation of county committee minutes, bylaws or rules that authorize the state committee member to be appointed by other means.
Article IV, Section A, Part 1. Active Membership
State committee members holding a county seat on the state committee shall be considered active except as follows:
If three months have elapsed since a county committee met and that county committee has not submitted minutes of a subsequent meeting to the state committee, then that county's seat on the state committee shall be inactive until minutes of any subsequent meeting are submitted.
If a state committee member in a county seat is absent from a state committee meeting for three consecutive meetings, that county's seat shall be considered inactive until the member attends a meeting, or the county committee notifies the state party that another person occupies the seat and that person attends a meeting. The inactive status shall be applied at the commencement of the third consecutive meeting at which the member is not present for roll call. Inactive members will not be counted as part of the total from which quorum is determined.