Green Independent Party to march in Portland pride parade

Green Independent Party to march in Portland pride parade




June 9, 2023


PORTLAND, ME — Green Independents will march in the Portland pride parade, Saturday, June 17 at 1 pm, starting from Monument Square.

The Green Independent Party is committed to promoting social justice and equality for all people. The party's platform calls for opposition to prejudice and discrimination in all its forms and demands an end to discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities.

"We are proud to support the LGBTQIA+ community and their ongoing struggles for equal rights," said Fred McCann, the party's co-chair.

Members of the community are invited to join the party's parade group to march in solidarity with LGBTQIA+ friends.

For more information about Maine's Green Independent Party, please visit their website at


Maine Green Independent Party
PO Box 10345
Portland, ME 04104

(207) 200-6466
