School Board chairwoman: Schools impact 1 in 6 Portland residents

School Board chairwoman: Schools impact 1 in 6 Portland residents



PORTLAND — A free, public education is essential to our system of government, School Board Chairwoman Anna Trevorrow said in remarks prepared for her State of the Schools address Monday ...

In paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, Trevorrow said, “Educating the public was the only sure way to guarantee the preservation of our liberty.”

“Public education remains a path for our students to achieve their dreams, no matter how humble their beginnings,” she said. “Without a free public education, there would be an even greater divide between the educated and uneducated, the rich and poor, the strong and weak.”

Overall, Trevorrow said, “public education helps students become better global citizens, ensuring our country’s global competitiveness. This is especially true in Portland, Maine’s largest and most diverse school district.”

Trevorrow also thanked Superintendent of Schools Xavier Botana and his staff, her fellow School Board members, and everyone who works for the School Department.

“I know I speak for (them all) when I say that we do the work that we do because we believe in the importance of public education,” Trevorrow said ...

In addition, the School Board is in the process of approving a transgender student policy, which Trevorrow said is “another important next step for inclusion and equity.” ...

She said it takes a community to commit to preparing students to succeed in college and careers.

“We are deeply grateful to Portland for being that generous and supportive community,” Trevorrow said. “… We strive every day to give this community – its residents, taxpayers, voters and elected officials alike – a grand sense of pride in its public education system.”


Anna Trevorrow, chairwoman of the Portland School Board, presented the annual State of the Schools address to the City Council Monday.


