Caucus Agenda

Sample Caucus Agenda (for use in conjunction with Caucus Data Sheet)


(following this agenda will cover all bases and provide opportunities for every statutory caucus provision to be executed)


I. Introduction and Statements—Open the Caucus. Introduce yourself and "open" the caucus.

II. Election of Caucus Officers.

  1.  Election of Caucus Secretary

  2.  Election of Caucus Chair

III. Determine Parliamentary Procedure of Caucus (consensus, majority vote, Robert's Rules, etc.).

IV. Form Municipal Committee. IMPORTANT!

  1.  Number of offices/members. (Most municipal committees choose to recognize all enrolled Green Independents in a municipality as MEMBERS of the committee—in essence making the committee an ongoing caucus. In doing so, the committee should redefine quorum so that a majority of all enrolled Green Independents—a nearly impossible attainment—is not necessary to conduct business. For OFFICERS, typical offices created are chair, secretary and/or treasurer as needed).

  2.  Length of terms. (As the committee wishes--usually two years, until the next caucus).

  3.  Duties of committee. (Set duties as desired).

  4.  The caucus may choose to adopt bylaws that accomplish the three items above. Sample bylaws are available to consider.

V. Identify candidates for state representative (or other offices such as state senator or municipal or county offices). (Bring blank petition sheets for State Representative and State Senator in case an attendee decided then and there that they want to run).

VI. Speeches by candidates (or their representatives).

VII. Nominate Municipal Election Clerks (to work the polls).

VIII. Elect Municipal Delegates to the Party's Statewide Convention.

IX. Nominations/Elections for County Committee.

X. Other business.

XI. Pass the Hat (for future committee expenses such as mailing to members or renting of rooms).

XII. Set Next Meeting Time and Place of Municipal Committee.