
Common Charter


Convention Committee

Communications Committee

Electoral Committee

Finance Committee

Fundraising Committee

Legislative Committee

Press Committee

Tabling Committee


The state committee is authorized by the bylaws to "establish subcommittees to help the state committee fulfill all duties and oversee the fulfillment of duties by the executive officers" (Article IV, Section D. Duties).

"The state committee shall oversee the establishment and dissolution of state party subcommittees to help execute the goals of the party and duties of the state committee. The state committee shall define the purpose of each subcommittee. The state committee may also designate authority to its subcommittees to act on behalf of the party. All subcommittees, including their purpose, membership and the authority granted to them, shall be recorded as an addendum to these by-laws titled, “Subcommittees.” The state committee holds ultimate decision-making authority over all subcommittees." (Article IV, Section H. Officers and Subcommittees)


According to state committee rules, the two co-chairs are ex-officio members of all subcommittees of the state committee. The state committee has also established a common charter to govern all subcommittees except when a subcommittee's specific individual charter governs otherwise.

Addendum 5 of the bylaws are as follows:


5. Common Charter for Subcommittees (adopted 7/9/23)


Article 1: Membership

All members of the subcommittee must be members of the Maine Green Independent Party (herein called “MGIP” or “the party”) as defined by party bylaws.

There shall be no limit on the number of members of the subcommittee. New members may be added to the subcommittee by motion to appoint by a State Committee member. Motions are resolved as per party bylaws Addendum 3. State Committee Rules. The membership of the subcommittee shall be recorded by the party Secretary.

Any member who has not attended the last three meetings of the subcommittee shall not be considered active.

State Committee co-chairs are ex-officio members of the subcommittee. When leaving the position of co-chair, the person may retain their membership on the subcommittee as a regular member for the subsequent term.

The State Committee shall appoint subcommittee members at the first regular State Committee meeting subsequent to the annual MGIP State Convention (herein called the “Initial State Committee Meeting”).

Article 2: Executive Officers

The subcommittee shall elect a Chair from the membership of the subcommittee at the first meeting of the subcommittee following Initial State Committee Meeting by consensus or majority vote of the subcommittee.

The Chair shall act as the general executive officer of the subcommittee and shall preside at and facilitate all meetings. The Chair shall also act as the recording officer of the subcommittee and will keep a complete and accurate record of subcommittee meetings. They shall provide copies of this record to the party Secretary.

Article 3: Tenure

Subcommittee members shall serve for a term beginning at the date of appointment until the date of the subsequent Initial State Committee Meeting.

Subcommittee officers shall serve from the date of election until the date of the subsequent Initial State Committee Meeting. In the case of resignation or removal, a replacement may be elected to serve the remainder of the vacated term by consensus or majority vote of the subcommittee.

Article 4: Resignation

Any subcommittee member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or to the State Committee.

Article 5: Removal

A member of the subcommittee may be removed by a motion to remove by a State Committee member.

Article 6: Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet at its discretion.

Meetings of the subcommittee may be called at any time by the Chair, and shall be called by the Chair upon the written request of two-thirds (2/3) of active subcommittee members. If the Chair fails to call a meeting within ten (10) days of receipt of such request, then a meeting may be called by written notice of any two-thirds (2/3) of active subcommittee members.

The subcommittee meets through email, face-to-face, online, and phone meetings, as the majority of active subcommittee want and commit to meeting.

Article 7: Quorum

More than 50% of active members present shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. Ex-officio members are not included when calculating the number of members required to achieve quorum but count towards the establishment of quorum.

Article 8: Process

The Chair shall facilitate meetings of the state committee or designate a facilitator.

All motions require a second.

The subcommittee shall strive for consensus in its decisions. If consensus is apparent, the facilitators may close discussion and call the question by asking if there is an objection. If no objection is stated, consensus is achieved.

Members objecting must state what conditions, if any, would result in them removing their objection.

Objecting members may 'stand aside,' in which case their objection may be noted in the minutes, but the motion is still approved by consensus.

If objections cannot be resolved, or members objecting do not wish to stand aside, the

subcommittee may decide the motion by majority vote.

For each motion, report or agenda item, facilitators will keep a 'stack' of participants wishing to speak in order. Participants who have not yet spoken are given priority to speak ahead of members who are on stack for a repeat turn; members who have had fewer turns speaking are given priority ahead of members who have had more turns.

Meeting participants must be recognized by a facilitator to speak, except that they may briefly request to be put on a stack for a turn to speak, or to request making a 'point of information' out of order that must be very brief. Points of information should be factual points to clarify a subject and with the intention of reducing subsequent unnecessary discussion resulting from misinformation, not a statement of opinion, which should instead be reserved for a turn to speak on the stack.

Facilitators recognize and confirm requests to be placed on the stack. Facilitators will decide when to recognize and allow point of information statements.

Facilitators may interrupt speakers to require that a speaker remain on topic, to acknowledge a request to be on stack, or for other procedural purposes. Participants accept that interruption by facilitators is necessary to keep the meeting moving, and should pause to let the facilitator speak when interrupted.

Speakers recognized by a facilitator are considered to 'have the floor' until they return the floor to a facilitator, or until a facilitator interrupts them. After a facilitator interrupts a speaker for procedural reasons, they will return the floor to that speaker.

Participants should not interrupt other speaking members except to make stack or point of information requests through the facilitators. Participants should refrain from making continued responses to speakers' statements and should reserve their responses for their next turn on the stack. Participants should refrain from excessive uses of points of information that disrupt a speaker's turn on the floor.

Speakers must remain on topic to the motion, report or agenda item under discussion

When speakers have the floor, they may request permission from the facilitator to address a question to another person without losing their time to speak. If the facilitator determines that the question can be quickly and briefly answered, the facilitator will address the question to the other member for an answer and then return the floor to the original speaker.

Participants should indicate to the facilitator when they are done speaking their turn.

Facilitators may adjust the order of agenda items as needed.

If necessary to keep the meeting moving, facilitators may impose time limits on participants' turns to speak. When time limits are in effect, members may yield their time to another participant.

If the Chair is not present at a meeting, the quorum shall elect a Chair pro-tem for the duration of the meeting.

The subcommittee may take votes on motions online via email.

There are three steps to conducting online votes of a subcommittee: Call for Quorum, Quorum Established, and Call for Vote.

The Chair of the subcommittee or any member in the case that the office of Chair is vacant (herein called “the Initiator”) may initiate an online vote by emailing committee members with a subject title "Call for quorum to vote," requesting members to check in to the meeting, and stating the motion that will be up for a vote.

After members have replied confirming their attendance and a quorum of all committee members is established, the Initiator will send an email to members with a new subject title, "Quorum established to vote."

The Initiator shall facilitate trying to resolve stated objections or amendments of the motion.

When the Initiator determines that enough discussion on the motion has transpired to call the vote, an email will be sent with a subject title "Call for a vote," requesting a vote and stating the final motion to be voted on.

Any decisions made by email must be reported at the next regular State Committee meeting for inclusion in that meeting's minutes.

Article 9: Contraction and Payment of Bills

No bills shall be contracted by the subcommittee. The subcommittee may make requests of the party Treasurer to expend funds if the subcommittee is designated a line item in the party budget.

Article 10: Subdivisions

The subcommittee shall not create any subdivisions or working groups.

Article 11: Amendments

The charter for the subcommittee may be altered or amended by vote of the State Committee.

Article 12: Scope

The provisions in this charter shall apply to any subcommittee which explicitly adopts this charter.

5.A. Convention Committee (approved 8/2/15, amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Convention Committee” (herein called “the convention committee”, “the committee”, “ConCom").

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to organize party conventions that fulfill the requirements of party bylaws and state law.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Authority

The committee is authorized to determine the details of party conventions, including location, date, time, program and rules of conduct.

5.B. Communications Committee (approved 11/8/15, amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Communications Committee” (herein called “the communications committee”, “the committee”, “ComCom”).

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to facilitate internal communication of the party and to support the party Secretary in fulfilling their duties. This includes relaying information from the State Committee to the contact persons of local groups, and managing the website, mailing lists, database, and social media sites.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Membership

The party Secretary may appoint members to the committee as long as the person has not been previously removed by the State Committee.

Article 5: Executive Officers

The party Secretary shall be the Chair of the committee.

Article 6: Authority

The committee is authorized to:

• Maintain a consolidated list of all the party's communication mediums (website, social media sites, listserves and email lists),

• Maintain a visible ongoing presence on all of the party's communication mediums, and utilize all of them to the fullest extent as appropriate,

• Administer the party's social media sites and communication forums in accordance with the party's Universal Terms of Agreement,

• Publicize the activities of the party and other subcommittees of the State Committee upon request,

• Forward to the Press Subcommittee any activities or events that might be noteworthy of a party press release,

• Promote local groups and candidates of the party,

• Update the website with relevant news and blog articles (without infringing on copyright) written about platform-related issues, and activities of the party, its local groups and candidates,

• Update the website with relevant information about party candidates and active local groups,

• Manage the dashboard of for volunteer signups for various activities and connect signups with appropriate contacts,

• Establish fundraising links on the party website to the accounts of party candidates, or to the accounts of local groups of the party, upon request,

• Establish fundraising links on the party website for targeted campaigns that have been approved for within the state budget by the Finance Subcommittee, Executive Committee, or State Committee, upon request,

• Assist or train the State Committee and its subcommittees in managing and maintaining their email lists, listserve groups and other communication tools,

• Distribute voter lists for appropriate jurisdictions, or otherwise make the lists accessible, to party candidates, party officers, officers of local groups or conveners of municipal caucuses, and

• Maintain and update the party's voter database list as information becomes available.

The party Secretary may appoint administrators and moderators of the party's various forums. All administrators and moderators of the party's communication forums must be members of the communications committee unless the State Committee approves otherwise.

As the authorities listed above are primarily tasks to be executed, the committee may distribute amongst themselves individual responsibilities for duties, or the party Secretary may authorize individuals to perform them.

The committee may establish and maintain best practices guidelines or procedures to guide members in executing the duties, which shall be recorded as addendum to this charter. The committee may establish new mediums of communication (new social media sites, forums, websites, listserves, etc.) as long as the committee is committed to maintaining them and keeping them visible, current and populated with content. The committee may develop large-scale strategy proposals related to the party's communication and image, including brand and logo redevelopment, website overhaul and redesign, elimination of forums, or changes to the Universal Terms of Service, among other substantive proposals, for approval by the State Committee by submitting recommendations to the State Committee for consideration.

The party Secretary may rely on the committee for support in executing the party Secretary's duties, and may authorize individuals to perform them as appropriate:

• Maintain and archive party records, including minutes, decisions and vote tallies of

the State and Executive Committees,

• Maintain records of party officers and reporting to the Maine Secretary of State when changes in officers occur,

• Keep records of the active and inactive statuses of state committee members as outlined in the budget,

• Compile and archive any minutes or bylaws of local groups or committees that have been submitted to the state committee in accordance with the bylaws,

• Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of party bylaws, platform, subcommittee charters and other organizational documents on the party website,

• Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of the addendum of party bylaws on the party website,

• Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of the statuses of local groups, and which ones qualify for the benefits afforded local groups in the bylaws (that meet four times annually and have designated a state contact person).

Addendum: Party Database Management Guidelines

All lists of contacts and contact information collected at tabling events, meetings and through online campaigns sponsored by the party, including copies of voter registration cards, shall be submitted to the committee, which will enter the data into a consolidated database.

All requests for access to the party's database, or portions of it, shall be made to the committee, which will distribute the appropriate lists as allowed: party candidates, officers, officers of local groups, and conveners of municipal caucuses may receive the portion of the list relevant to their appropriate jurisdiction, after signing a non-disclosure agreement form. Requests for access to the list by other entities must be approved by the state committee, and after a non-disclosure agreement form is signed by the recipient.mittee, and after a non-disclosure agreement form is signed by the recipient.

5.C. Finance Committee (approved 4/4/15, amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Finance Committee” (herein called “the finance committee”, “the committee”, “FinCom”).

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to support the party Treasurer and party Financial Officer in overseeing the party’s finances and financial reporting requirements.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Membership

The party Financial Officer shall be a member of the committee.

Article 5: Executive Officers

The party Treasurer shall be the Chair of the committee.

Article 6: Authority

The committee has the authority to fulfill the financial duties of the party Treasurer or party Financial Officer at the request of the officer, or when an emergency requires the party’s finances and reporting requirements to be managed if or when the party Treasurer or party Financial Officer is unable to do so.

The committee may make minor amendments to the party budget, transferring up to $100 from one expenditure line to another, or creating a new expenditure line of up to $100. Any amendments resulting in an increase to the party’s overall expenditure amount can only be made if there is a corresponding increase in revenue associated with the expenditure.

The committee may propose amendments to the budget that result in a budgeted expenditure line being increased by more than $100. If a proposed expenditure increase

is more than $100 and up to $500, the party’s Executive Committee or State Committee must approve the budget amendment. Any proposed expenditure line increases greater than $500 must be approved by the State Committee.

Any expenditure line of a budget that has previously been increased by the committee by $100 cannot be repeatedly increased by the committee by amounts less than $100 in separate actions. In other words, the committee's authority to increase any expenditure line by $100 is for an aggregate increase total within any one budget year. After increasing an expenditure line by $100, any further increases may only be approved by the Executive Committee or State Committee as outlined above.

Decisions of the committee shall not supersede any authority granted to the party Treasurer or party Financial Officer in the party Bylaws or by the State Committee.

All decisions made by the committee will be reported to the Executive Committee, to be included in a committee report presented at the next subsequent regular State Committee meeting.

Article 7: Quorum

Committee members who intend to be unavailable for any extended period of time are asked to "check out" from the ongoing meeting so that consensus is not held up because of non-responsiveness, and then "check in" when they are ready to resume participation. Checked out members are not considered when calculating quorum.

Article 8: Contraction and Payment of Bills

The committee may contract or pay bills in accordance with the authority granted in Article 6.

5.D. Press Committee (approved 4/4/15, amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Press Committee” (herein called “the press committee”, “the committee”, “PressCom").

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to develop and generate press releases for approval by party Co-Chairs and to distribute approved press releases to relevant media contacts. The committee will work to regularly generate content that keeps the party and its positions visible to the public.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Membership

The committee will consist of up to seven and no less than three members. Membership is limited to a set number, to enable the committee to act and respond expeditiously on a regular and consistent basis.

Article 5: Officers

The party Co-Chairs shall act in joint as the Chair of the committee.

The committee shall elect one member to be the party's Press Contact, who may respond to inquiries from reporters, refer members of the press to appropriate party members, and speak on behalf of the party when party Co-Chairs are not readily available. The committee will select one member to be the committee's Copy Editor, who is preferably a person who is familiar with AP Stylebook Guidelines, who will suggest edits for press releases.

Officers shall be elected by the committee at the first meeting following the Initial State Committee Meeting.

With party Co-Chairs’ approval, the committee may designate additional spokespersons to speak on behalf of the party for certain issues or occasions as necessary.

Article 6: Authority

The committee is authorized to generate press releases and visual or audio media content, and to designate party spokespersons, as authorized by party Co-Chairs, and distribute press releases and other media content approved by party Co-Chairs.

The committee may work to support and train local party groups in developing media presence in their own jurisdictions upon request. In the case of inquiries for participation from party members in addition to committee members, the committee shall work with those party members to support them in developing media teams for their own county or municipal party committees.

Press releases are drafted, copy edited, finalized, approved by party Co-Chairs and then distributed. Party Co-Chairs have final authority to approve press releases, but may defer that authority to the committee as they wish.

All decisions of the committee are advisory to party Co-Chairs who have the final authority. Any decisions not made by consensus may be presented to party Co-Chairs for approval with the number of votes noted.

Article 7: Quorum

Committee members who intend to be unavailable for any extended period of time are asked to "check out" from the ongoing meeting so that consensus is not held up because of non-responsiveness, and then "check in" when they are ready to resume participation. Checked out members are not considered when calculating quorum.

Article 8: Amendments

Party Co-Chairs may temporarily amend this charter if needed (by consensus of both chairs), to better serve their ability to execute their duties. Any charter changes made by the Party Co-Chairs will be reported to the party Secretary and then submitted as a recommendation for the State Committee to consider at its subsequent meeting for final adoption.


5.E. Tabling Committee (approved 8/15/16, amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Tabling Committee” (herein called “the tabling committee”, “the committee”, “TabCom").

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to represent the party at fairs, concerts, parades, conventions and other venues.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Authority

The committee is authorized to oversee registration and staffing at events that support or promote the party's values, platforms or issues or topics that the party has endorsed, and design and procure informational items and other products for distribution or sale at such events. Donations, payments and contact information collected through the activities of the committee will be forwarded to the party Treasurer and party Secretary.



5.F. Fundraising Committee (approved 2/4/17, amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Fundraising Committee” (herein called “the fundraising committee”, “the committee”, “FundCom").

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to establish protocol and procedures for raising funds.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Authority

The committee is authorized to plan and execute fundraising activities by submitting recommendations to the State Committee for consideration.


5.G. Electoral Committee (approved 3/3/19. amended 7/9/23)


Article 1: Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Electoral Committee” (herein called “the electoral committee”, “the committee”, “ElectCom").

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to:

• Support the establishment and development of municipal and county groups,

• Develop and implement strategies to recruit and elect candidates for Governor, U.S. House, and U.S. Senate, and

• Support party candidates for office

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4: Authority

The committee is authorized to:

• Assist party members in the development of municipal of county committees in areas where there are no active groups,

• Oversee recruitment efforts for candidates for Governor, U.S. House, and U.S .Senate, or other offices as directed by the State Committee, and

• Assist any party candidate for office that seeks party support by connecting them with available party resources, municipal and county committees, and offering campaign guidance

The committee may develop and implement long-term statewide electoral strategies by submitting recommendations to the State Committee for consideration.

In the case of multiple party candidates for the same office, the committee shall offer equal support to each candidate unless otherwise directed by the State Committee.


Legislative Committee (adopted 7/9/23)


Article 1. Name

The name shall be, “Maine Green Independent Party Legislative Committee” (herein called “the legislative committee”, “the committee”, “LegCom").

Article 2. Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to monitor legislation before the state legislature to identify pieces of legislation of interest to the party with an emphasis on the struggles of

marginalized communities and environmental justice.

Article: 3: Adoption of Common Charter

The articles incorporated in the Common Charter for Subcommittees shall apply to the committee. In any case where there is conflict or ambiguity, the committee charter shall prevail over the common charter.

Article 4. Authority

The committee is authorized to:

• Monitor legislation before the state legislature.

• Recommend strategies to support or oppose pieces of legislation.

• Draft recommended testimony in in support or opposition of legislation.

• Provide testimony before the legislature in the name of the party at the authorization of the State Committee or party Co-Chairs if they have been authorized to approve legislative positions by the State Committee.

• Carry out strategies to garner public support or opposition to legislation at the authorization of the State Committee or party Co-Chairs if they have been authorized to approve legislative positions by the State Committee.

The committee shall forward identified legislation, proposed strategies, and draft testimony to the State Committee or party Co-Chairs as applicable for approval. Once approved, the committee may represent the party on the approved legislation via written or live testimony and oversee strategies to garner public support or opposition.
