
MGIP opposes BIW request for tax break

This is the MGIP statement of support of a challenge to the request by BIW, owned by General Dynamics, for a further tax break, despite using billions to buy back its own stock:

Upon learning that Bath Iron Works (BIW), owned by mega-corporation General Dynamics, wants more tax breaks from the state on top of what they now get from the City of Bath, we, the Green Independent Party of Maine issue the following challenge:

The very last thing this suffering world needs is more destroyers!

What we need is a variety of "creators," machines that help our state, country and world become more humane, prosperous, peaceful, and sustaining of life. Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the like do not have navies. Most exist in desert areas.

We propose that ANY further tax breaks be conditioned on a written agreement from BIW that they will in good faith transition away from war-making equipment and instead actively pursue such projects as hospital ships, rail systems, including modern narrow gauge engines and cars that can use existing rights-of-way for both commuter and tourist use. Further we want to see the talented, capable work force at BIW expand into alternative energy systems, including wind turbines, solar, and turbines that can be used to harness the totally reliable immense daily power of Maine's 10-12 feet tidal shifts.
We know from economic studies that such projects will generate steady, long term work for the existing labor force, but allow even more workers to be employed. The time to abandon dependence on corporate welfare and a bloated military budget is NOW. We will ask our candidates and even those of other parties to follow this lead and implement a rational use of both materials and human resources.

-Jon Olsen and Riva O'Rourke,


Maine Green Independent Party
