MGIP supports LD 1324
Maine Green Independent Party supports LD 1324
An Act To Establish the Committee To Study the Feasibility of Creating Basic Income Security
We the people of the Maine Green Independent Party (MGIP) stand in strong support of LD1324, An Act To Establish the Committee To Study the Feasibility of Creating Basic Income Security. Not only do we support this crucial study, we call for the swift passage of any legislation that will ease the financial burden on all Mainers, especially for those currently below the poverty line or are one paycheck from an economic crisis.
This would include support for legislation that would establish a universal basic income for all Mainers, create progressive tax laws, establish a state-owned public bank, provide incentives for businesses using a worker-owned cooperative model, provides free in-state college (as well as in-state college loan forgiveness), and pursue progressive healthcare initiatives (such as single payer healthcare, in-home hHealthcare, and mandatory paid sick leave).
Now is the time to stand beside the people of Maine, to provide the basic economic stability to give everyone the opportunity to have a decent living. The MGIP is committed to prioritizing the people of Maine and we challenge this legislature to take up that call as well.
Written testimony may be sent to the Labor and Housing Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Sending testimony by April 3 is best.
A public hearing will be held Wednesday, April 3, starting at approximately 10:30 AM in Room 202 of the Cross Office Building in Augusta.