Portland school board to include island schools, non-school facilities in cost-saving review
Redistricting, school closure and program changes could be among the possibilities considered in a major facilities assessment.
The Portland Board of Public Education agreed in principle Tuesday night that island schools and non-school facilities such as those for food service and administration should be included in a major facilities assessment intended to find ways for the financially struggling district to save money...
Chairwoman Anna Trevorrow agreed that finding ways to save money was the driving force behind the study.
“The reason we are doing this work is so we know where cost savings can be achieved if necessary,” she said. “I know ‘rightsizing’ (is) sort of a hot-button word and there are sensitivities, but I don’t think there should be any illusions about this work. These are not the best-case scenarios; they are realities of what we are faced with financially.” ...